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Solutions to reduce contamination risks

Because health is the most important thing we have...
Fichet Group - Covid19

A safe route for your staff, clients and visitors

New measures have been implemented all over the world and new concepts such as social distancing have emerged; we have all learned to wash our hands properly and frequently or use disinfectant gel, to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and to regularly monitor our temperature or the appearance of any signs of contamination.

As the first line of defense in the workplace, your desk or reception area should be the key space for new protective arrangements. Providing an initial health barrier will make sure the journey to a safer world begins at the entrance.


In the context of an epidemic, the Hygiaphone range regains its primary value: solutions preventing the spreading of germs and other pathogens during face-to-face exchanges between staff and visitors. Preserving communication, these products enable social life and necessary interactions to go on safely.

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The use of body temperature monitoring systems is one of the recommended solutions to detect risks. Fichet Group offers a system based on standalone totems integrating a thermal camera. Also checking on the wearing of protective masks, the system does not record any personal data and simply informs users—in compliance with all enforceable regulations such as the EU’s GDPR.

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H-Sense solutions provide automated, contactless control functionalities integrated with turnstiles to reduce contamination risks. They provide checking procedures directly related to programmed access rights to ensure correct and systematic implementation of protective measures:

  • H-Sense T: body temperature checks
  • H-Sense M: wearing of mask checks
  • H-Sense G: use of hand-sanitizer checks
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